Saturday, 30 April 2016

George Shaw

After looking at human interaction with nature, through beginning to explore my visuals from a trip to Hull, I wanted to  move onto the idea of how we interfere. This came to mind when considering The Deep. It is not so much interaction as it is interference; paying to see animals who must remain in the same tank for the rest of their lives, seeing humans pushing their faces into their "homes". I wanted to include more of this idea about how we alter the nature we live alongside.

I moved my attention away from the animals and took myself off to the man-made, looking back at the images I took at the very beginning of the project.
This led me straight to George Shaw, who works a lot with structures and also memories. I did feature Shaw in my previous project also, and still see his relevance now. Like Turner and Schiele, Shaw is an artist I seem to find influencing me wherever my projects turn.
In the post I made looking at the artist last project, I featured a video on Estate of Mine, an exhibition Shaw put on to display his home.

There is something very inspiring about the modest (possibly too much so) artist, who creates such stories and atmosphere with the locations he presents, that are so poignant to him.

Shaw uses this short documentary to explain briefly about some of the works, making them all the more appealing.

I intend to look further into the artists work again to uncover how I can work with the ideas and themes of industry.

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