Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Looking at the world - A statement

Looking at the world - American Beauty - A statement 

In the film, there is a clear emphasis on looking at the world. Viewing and appreciating what is there and not just accepting it. Something as simple as a plastic bag blowing in the wind can become such an ambiguous image and symbol. Of course, it could be just a plastic bag, but having the emphasis of a persons belief paired with it just seems to make it into something more. 
I am yet to come up with an idea that I could really explore in terms of looking at the world. Of course the simple idea of just going out with a camera is obvious, but it is seeing what is there, rather than looking for something in particular. 

JMW Turner's Helvoetsluys.
Turner painted with a very definite colour palette. His work is distinguishable by his choice of colour. The artists was known for being controversial and with this painting, he emphasised his. As it hung in a gallery, Turner walked up to the piece with a paintbrush coated in red paint and simply painted a red dollop into the painting: a red buoy. While he knew exactly what he was doing, aware that the painting needed a bit of bright colour, he was influenced by his rival, Constable, who did something similar himself. The act was self-knowing but may not have been done if it was not for his brazen-ness.
And Turner was right, this simple touch of colour really does complete the painting, as though it was missing all along. This is where I am interested: the power of colour. In looking and understanding, something has been resolved and I feel this is rather important.

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